Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Today's Royal Reads = Picture Books

For those of us who live in Texas, today's Royal Read #1 is a daily thing during the summer! After all, summer in Texas usually feels like a....

Heatwave by Eileen Spinelli

The blazing summer temperatures reach unbelievable highs in the town of Lumberville, and in a time without air conditioning, the townsfolk must be resourceful and creative to keep cool. Some of the solutions to staying cool throughout the week include: soaking in the bathtub, eating cold foods, splashing in the water hose, getting short hair cuts, and sleeping outside. Anything goes while trying to stay cool until the heatwave breaks!

The author and illustrator team of Eileen Spinelli and Betsy Lewin combine their talents to create an entertaining and realistic look at how one town handles a heatwave. This is a book that is sure to be appreciated by all who have experienced the blazing heat of a long, hot summer!

KEYWORDS: summer, heat, community

Today's Royal Read # 2:

In this collection of illustrations, fourteen children's book artists share their answer to the age-old question, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Each illustration reveals the individual personality traits of the illustrator as he or she depicts the answer to this classic joke. The end of the book contains blurbs about each artist.

A great book that has many "laugh-out-loud" moments that can be enjoyed by a variety of ages.

KEYWORDS: jokes, chicken, illustrators

Some fun chicken-related links to check out:

Chicken Tic-Tac-Toe

The Chicken Dance

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